Are you getting tired of managing prepress processes in-house and processes that take all your attention and make the entire process expensive? Often, enterprises face the challenge of unnecessary publishing expanse that skyrockets due to excessive intake of resources and hiring employees for different operations within the publishing process.
According to TechNavio’s research and statistics report, the digital publishing service market will increase by $18.69 billion from 2020 to 2025 with an accelerated CAGR of 1.1 percent. This article will give you a heads-up on the various advantages of hiring a professional prepress service provider for your enterprise’s prepress printing and publishing processes.
What is a prepress service?
Prepress is the complete stepwise procedure used for creating documents and making them ready for publishing and printing. The various phases of prepress depend on the bespoke business requirement or complexity involved in the content creation.
In the modern enterprise ecosystem, prepress plays a crucial part in document publishing, content-based advertising, and marketing collateral publication. Prepress service is the in-house or outsourced operation of all the distinct procedures required before publishing or printing a document. The different prepress stages consist of:
- Typesetting services
- Graphics designing services
- Copy-editing tasks
- Proofing
- Proofreading
- Content digitization
- Image and text separation
- Paper selection (for printing)
Five advantages of hiring a professional prepress service provider
The different phases entangling the prepress process require separate skill-sets and specialized aspects to make the publishing project successful. Managing an in-house printing or publishing project requires lots of attention and a skilled workforce in content digitization, typesetting, and production services.
Hiring a professional prepress service provider will enable your team to get the time and focus on performing domain-specific operations. Here are the top five benefits of outsourcing prepress:
- Helps your core business operation run smoothly: All modern enterprises require publishing documentation or printing user manuals. These manuals, web content, or other publishing documents usually contain rich graphics and high-value content. If your team focuses mainly on prepress, other core business operations may get hampered. Prepress and printing have become an outsourced operation for smooth streamlining other business operations. Hiring professional prepress service providers will make your core team member focus on essential business operations and development.
- Leverage certified experts: Another benefit of hiring a prepress service provider is that they have skilled professionals in different verticals and sub-services. The company can leverage the services of experts in various phases like creative design services, content digitization, typesetting, etc. The world of graphic design and content marketing is changing exponentially. If your printing or publishing projects want to stay aligned with the latest curve and market trends, outsourcing such services will benefit you the most. Such service providers have separate departments for different services, which helps a company get the best & quality work in less time.
- Reduce unnecessary risk: Bringing various prepress materials and machines and hiring skilled professionals in-house increases the overall project budget and raises the risk concern. Companies can achieve high-quality printing through top-quality printers. The project budget does not go down once you buy such printers because it incurs a maintenance cost also. For this, you need to train staff properly. Also, if any machine wires out or any employee plans to leave the job in-between the project, the project risk increases significantly. Therefore, hiring a professional prepress service provider is always advantageous to avert such risks and costs.
- Free-up office premise space: Various prepress equipment and systems are large and often occupy bigger space than you think. Although these bulky machines occupy a lot of space, your office premise must leave room for employees and staff to safely work using these machines without any injury or discomfort. Outsourcing the prepress tasks to professional third-party service providers will eliminate the need for dedicating large separate areas for prepress production activities and its associated machines within your office workspace. You can utilize that space for other core business operations and activities.
- High security and accuracy with quality checks: Since more skilled professionals will perform each separate task, the accuracy of the work increases tremendously. At every phase of the prepress process, the professionals in the prepress service providing firm will perform the tasks with quality checks before delivering the product. Also, these service providers take care of data security and confidentiality so that operational confidential or sensitive data does not get leaked.
We hope this comprehension has given you a crisp idea of hiring a professional prepress service provider for your regular prepress processes. It also highlights the specific downsides of having in-house prepress processing. If you want to outsource prepress services, find an excellent service provider. It delivers superior quality services and can help you in your next print and publication project.