Many website contributors occasionally undervalue the value of meta descriptions. They are seen to be a wonderful method to advertise your website through search results, in addition to helping with Search Engine Optimization marketing and click through rates. When shown on a search result page, a meta description, also known as a “marketing snippet,” can help searchers decide whether to click on your website.
This is a straightforward explanation to meta descriptions, how to use them, and writing advice.
A meta description is what?
You can occasionally use an HTML attribute to tell Google to display an excerpt or summary of a particular page or post on your WordPress website. Or, it might be the brief description that appears beneath the website link in search results.
These are the meta descriptions from our website, as shown in the sample below.
The benefits of using meta descriptions
The purpose of meta descriptions is to provide searchers with a brief summary of the material on your page. Additionally, it aids in their understanding of what people may expect when they visit your website. The greater the chance of convincing them to visit, the more succinct and descriptive the excerpt. Your click through rates will increase if the description is accurate and pertinent.
When the website url is shared, i.e. via social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter, meta descriptions are also quite helpful. Some of these sites will take a phrase or two from the post’s meta description and put them in the sharing.
In your Meta Descriptions, use keywords and search phrases
It’s crucial to start your meta descriptions with keywords. Keep your meta description brief and to the point. Think about the search terms someone might use to find your product or service.
When a searcher types their phrases into the search field, for instance, the keyword in the screenshot up top. The terms WordPress and SEO are highlighted in bold. Using keywords in your meta descriptions has this effect. Although it is known that Google and other search engines do not consider the keywords in the meta description as a ranking indication, having them there is helpful for users.
If I didn’t write one, what happens?
Google and other search engines will often just utilise the first paragraph of content that they discover on your page if you forget to create a meta description. Typically, it lacks power and succinctness. many opportunities
the best way to use WordPress
The WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin is something we use and endorse. It was created just for WordPress and enables you to optimise your meta descriptions in just a few simple clicks.
The title and meta description are added to a blog post in the screenshot below.
The colour indication assists with advice on whether text is lengthy enough for optimisation and related to material on the page, as well as bits you may have overlooked.
Once you’ve completed this and saved the document, it will automatically retrieve the data for any social shares and utilise the information you entered in the respective columns for Google search.
We really hope that you have found this material to be useful. If you have any further questions or recommendations, don’t hesitate to share them or leave a comment.