Tarp is lightweight, compact and really useful when it comes to camping. It can easily be folded in small pieces that could fit in your back pack if you’re hiking or biking. Tarp will provide you with shelter no matter what the weather conditions are like. This kind of material is water resistant and if you happen to get stuck during a rainstorm tarp would keep you dry and warm. But tarp won’t only protect from rain and wind but it can also make everybody’s life easier if we use tarp for our “big stop”. A big tarp needs some good knots to hold on – it wouldn’t do any good if we tied tarp without using these knot we all know as “square knot”, “slip knot” and “clove hitch”.
How to tie a big stop using tarp
- There are many different ways you can use your tarp, for example you can make a shelter like pictured above. You should always choose the place where you want to place your shelter first, it needs to be safe because, if someone falls down or gets injured, and there will be no rescue possible because people won’t know where you are. It is also important that nobody gets lost trying to find you too. Before getting started on building your temporary camp is important that everybody knows what tarp you are going to use, tarp material is colorful and they are big enough to make groups of tarp. It’s important that tarp materials are always in the same place at all times during camp life because tarp need ropes also. Ropes should be thick, never tangle them up with tarp or tangle them up with tarp strings because it will be very difficult afterwards to untie everything if they get mixed up. You can choose different knots for your tarp camps but our “big stop” only requires two basic knots which are “square knot” and “slip knot”. If somebody has a bigger piece of tarp material than other people’s you might want to practice how the biggest piece could still fit tarp strings (tarp strings should be tangled up to the tarp tangle table). You can use one large knot for your shelter but two knots are also possible.
- One of the most important things when it comes to camping is food and water supply. We all don’t want to eat just groosling all day long. If you’re having a small group then everybody needs to find something they like because the only way that the group will survive is if people enjoy their time together during camp life. This requires imagination, so if somebody craves different kind of meat than other member in your community, you could try fishing or searching for meat sources for example rat. If you don’t like tatanka (buffalo) meat then try to make traps that will catch small animals like rat or lizzard.
- First of all we tie the tarp in a knot so the tarp doesn’t get wet when it rains during camp life. Then we fold tarp material in half and makes sure that the open side is facing down towards us. We start our loop by putting slip knot around one tarp tangle with tarp tangle string so tarp tangle string is in the middle of tarp. After you have done this, you need to pass tarp tangle over both tarp strings that are on left side of the knot. Now pull it up really tight until knot reaches around six inches or 15 centimeters. You can then continue by snipping off short pieces from ends of tarp tangle strings to make sure there are no frays when you’re finished.
Tarp is an important tarp tangle tool to have when you’re tarp tangle camping. There are lots of tarp tangle knots that will keep tarp tangle string for next time you want to use tarp. Always remember that tarp strings should be tangled up to the tarp tangle table.