Usually, we take ashwagandha capsule for general health and wellness. Many of us have already got benefits like improved blood sugar levels, better immunity, stronger shield against free radical releases, significant reduction in cortisol levels, better mental health, reduced inflammation, lower cholesterol, and many more just by including them in daily life. These capsules are made from the extract of ashwagandha, an ancient herb that is known for its wide range of health benefits. Enjoying the goodness of the ashwagandha has become very easy these days since people have started purchasing ayurvedic medicines online from stores like Healthkart. Here are some bodybuilding benefits of this capsule.
Benefits of Ashwagandha for Bodybuilding:
A potent adaptogen in Ashwagandha can do miracles to the health. Here are some of them for bodybuilding.
- Lowering stress: One of the biggest hindrances that comes when you start training is stress and depression. When you are in that phase of life you don’t invest your time in physical fitness. In fact, stress keeps you away from such activities. Adaptogen in Ashwagandha helps you in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and supports your training.
- Natural healing: While doing intense training, your body gets injured so many times internally. Healing is required very often. In absence of it you can lose your continuity because of unhealed cells and tissues.
- Muscle recovery speeds up: Muscle recovery is as important as training in muscle building. With ashwagandha you can increase your muscle recovery.
- Weight loss: It helps in losing weight in a natural manner. Taking the ashwagandha daily fills you with the pack of nutrients that is very much required for losing weight. It increases the protein synthesis and motivates you to work out.
- Reduce inflammation: It can decrease training induced inflammation as well. C-reactive protein is an inflammation maker that can harm your heart health. It decreases that probability. Also increases natural killer cells to fight against infections and supports immunity that generally reduces with intense training.
- Increase muscle strength: Ashwagandha may increase muscle strength by improving body composition. It has been seen in a study that men who were taking 750 to 1250 mg of ashwagandha root every day, gained muscle strength after one month. Not only strength, they managed to reduce the fat percentage in the body and gained muscles.
- Boosts testosterone: The level of testosterone in the body is quite important not only for reproduction but also bodybuilding. Infact, it is seen that people lacking testosterone are unable to build muscles no matter how much they are putting into their training. With core exercises like squats, lower back exercises, and daily dose of ashwagandha, you can increase the sperm motility and count. Also it is very helpful in increasing fertility rate in women and men. However, an important point to note here is that you must make sure to take these capsules under the proper guidance only. It is because the excess boost in testosterone levels with an overdose of these capsules can lead to sexual health problems like premature ejaculation. Though there are effective treatments like available to treat the same, it would be best to avoid such problems by taking professional guidance for bodybuilding.
Ashwagandha is one of the most important and ancient herbs in Ayurveda that is made from the Withania somnifera with yellow flowers. Mainly plant’s roots, leaves, and other extracts are used in making the powder. Now it is available as an ashwagandha capsule & other fitness products like protein, mass gainer, fish oil etc that you can use for overall wellness or bodybuilding.